Modern Slate Roof Tiles


Modern slate roof tiles are made from natural slate, which is a metamorphic rock that has been used as a roofing material for centuries. However, modern manufacturing techniques have made it possible to produce slate roof tiles that are more uniform in size, shape, and thickness than traditional slate tiles.

Modern slate roof tiles are available in a range of colors, including black, grey, green, and red, and they can be installed in a variety of patterns, including staggered, diagonal, and straight. They are also available in different sizes and thicknesses to suit different roofing applications.

One of the main advantages of modern slate roof tiles is their durability. They are resistant to fire, moisture, and extreme temperatures, and they can last for decades with proper maintenance. They are also relatively lightweight, which makes them easier to install and less likely to cause structural damage to the building.

However, modern slate roof tiles can be more expensive than other roofing materials, and they require skilled labor to install properly. They also require periodic maintenance, such as cleaning and sealing, to prevent damage from weathering and moisture.

Overall, modern slate roof tiles are a popular choice for homeowners who value the natural beauty and durability of slate and are willing to invest in a high-quality roofing material that will last for many years.


Our workmanship carries a guarantee for up to 12 months.
We cover the UK

We Provide Modern Slate Roof Tiles in Acaster Selby


Contacted UK National Roofing for a quote on my flat roof for my extension. They came out Promptly and provided me with a great quote. No need to shop around it met my budget perfectly.
5 Star Review
Carmel Taylor
Great service, very helpful and professional finish, highly recommended.
5 Star Review
David Ridby
Great service, very helpful and professional finish, highly recommended.
5 Star Review
Absolute top company. Tony first came to wash and clean my roof, he then noticed that I had a couple of broken tiles and replace it for me. Would definitel use again.
5 Star Review
Perfect, thank you so much. We will need the work doing so would you also be able to give me an idea of availability too please. You’ve been great Denise, thank you.
5 Star Review
Newcastle upon Tyne
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